Founded in 2019, Readington Hop Farm is one of the largest hop farms in the State of New Jersey. Our roughly 3-acre hop yard features over 735 hop plants supported by over 126 telephone poles with steel cable supports. We grow the following hop varietals: Cascade, Centennial, Magnum, Sarachi Ace, Willamette, CTZ (Zeus), Northern Brewer and Michigan Copper™. We are especially excited about our Michigan Cooper™. Michigan Cooper™ is a new varietal of hop developed by our friends at Great Lake Hops. We are the only ones in the Northeast growing it, and assuming it performs as expected we look forward to creating some exciting new beers that embody the uniqueness of this hop and our terroir. Our hop harvest occurs in August each year and is a fun event for the whole family!

In addition to hops our 25-acre farm also grows wheat, barley, flowers, peaches and other assorted fruits and vegetables. We love to use our farm fresh ingredients in our beers whenever possible. In the near future you will be welcomed to join us for a guided tour of our farm or you can explore the farm on your own. It is a lovely place to enjoy a beautiful day with family and friends. Depending on the season you might be able to leave with some farm fresh produce too..

Meet The Goats

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