Our Beer

Potts Pale Ale

American Pale Ale


Floor-malted Marisotter and dry-hopped with amarillo and cascade hops

Alcohol Percentage:

5.2% ABV

Taste Description:

Stemming from its cousin from across the pond, American Pale Ale derives its name from the “pale” malts used in its making. In the advent of the use of coke as fuel (a charcoal like substance) brewers in England were able to malt grains without imparting smoke flavor or too much color. Although we could go on about this most interesting style, let us cut to the chase. Ann Potts, the previous owner of our farm, was a remarkable woman who lived a long and wonderful life. We thought we would name our pale ale ofter her as a fine tribute to these fertile grounds using our own farm fresh hops. This ale comes with a moderately high hop flavor from the generous use of our Cascade hops then finishes with a clean malt balance. Pull up your favorite lawn chair and take in the picturesque scene while sipping Potts Pale Ale.